Last updated: 26 June 2023
This Important Notice provides you with important disclosures related to your use of and access to the Fantom Network or “Chain,” and to any parts of our Site, subject to the Terms and Conditions to which you are bound (at
1. The Chain. The Fantom Opera Chain and its related Infrastructure and Components (each as defined below) (together, the “Chain”), is a decentralised, permissionless distributed ledger technology ecosystem with no single source of truth or central authority.
2. Control of the Chain. Fantom has no control whatsoever over the Chain. Ecosystem partners and community members contribute to the development of the Chain and to its ongoing operations by maintaining the software code and network infrastructure required for the Chain to function.
3. Intellectual Property. The intellectual property supporting the Chain is owned by Fantom Foundation (“Fantom”, “us”, “we” or “our”), and we release this intellectual property on an open source licence to the community at large under the Community Terms (at The community may use the Chain for many purposes, including but not limited to independently engage in transactions, use or support decentralised applications (“dApps”) and deploy smart contracts.
4. Our Participation. Fantom actively participates in the Chain community through grants, seed funding, and other programs and uses and engages with a range of services, such as the technical, advisory and commercial services provided by Fantom Operations Ltd. We may generate revenue from some of these activities. The following are some ways we may participate in the Chain and supporting ecosystem:
5. Disclaimer. Fantom has no inherent or independent power to add to, alter, or interfere with the Chain’s data, software, or smart contracts. Fantom is not responsible for, and makes no representation, guarantee, undertaking, or warranty, whether expressed or implied, in relation to the Chain. Neither Fantom nor any of its partners or service providers are liable for any actions, proceedings, claims, damages, expenses, or other liabilities, whether in contract, tort, or otherwise, arising from or related to the Chain or related software, content, or activities.
6. Your Acceptance of Risks. You acknowledge and accept that any interaction you have with the Chain is at your own risk, and you are additionally subject to and understand and accept all other associated risks such as ownership expectations, technology risk, token risk and market risk as described in clause 4 (Assumption of risks) in our Supplemental Wallet Terms. You further represent that you understand and agree to each of the following:
7. Your Responsibilities. It is solely your responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of your private keys associated with your public key blockchain address and your passwords providing for access to any wallet software you may use or other Infrastructure or Components of the Chain. You are likewise responsible for restricting access to your devices. Only you are responsible for any harm or damage resulting from your disclosure of, or authorisation to disclose, your private keys, passwords, or other credentials, or for allowing any person to access your devices. You acknowledge that, in the event of any related harm or damage, we will be unable to remedy any issues that arise. Additionally, only you are responsible for configuring your information technology, computer programs, and security systems as necessary for you to access and use the Chain.
8. Chain-Related Content. Any reference to a third party or reproduction of a third party’s information, content, or material within or accessible through the Chain are meant only for informational purposes. We do not intend to include all material information regarding the Fantom ecosystem or the FTM token, and you should not rely on us or any Chain-related information, content or material for or as financial advice. Given that any Chain-related information, content, or material may be added to the Chain and viewed by any user, no person is able to warrant the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any of the information, content, or material. You, like every other person interacting with the Chain, should not rely on Chain-related information, content, or material, and nor should any other person who may have access to this information, content, or material.