Fantom (FTM) Wallet is the native wallet for FTM Opera mainnet.
Fantom Wallet does not support other standards. If you have ERC20, BEP2, or Xar Network FTM you have to swap them to native Opera tokens.
To swap to Opera mainnet FTM, use the Fantom bridge:
Here’s a guide on how to use the Fantom bridge.
With Fantom Wallet, you can:
1. Create a wallet2. Load an existing wallet3. Send and receive FTM4. Stake and unstake FTM
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Click on “get started”.
Step 3: Enter a strong password. The password has to be at least 8 characters, including one upper-case letter, a symbol, and a number.
Store the password in a safe place! If you lose it, we cannot recover or reset it.
Step 4: Re-enter the password and click on the checkbox. Now you will be able to download the keystore file. You can use the keystore file and password to access your wallet on other devices.
A keystore file contains your private key encrypted with the password you chose above. Make sure to store it in a safe place.
Step 5: Write down your 12-word mnemonic phrase and your private key, which you can find by clicking the text “View your private key” on the bottom right.
Do not share your mnemonic or private key with others. Both will allow access to your wallet and your funds.
Step 6: Now verify your 12-word mnemonic phrase by entering it in the correct order.
Step 7: Click “Access your wallet”. You will now see your wallet with the public key displayed on the home screen. To access the wallet, simply click on the card.
Step 1: Click “Restore Wallet”, or, if this is your first wallet, select “Access Now”
Step 2: You can choose one of the three methods to access your wallet:
The only direct access to your wallet is the keystore. The mnemonic phrase and private key methods should be used to recover your wallet. In fact, they will both generate a keystore file that you can use to access your wallet.
Step 1: Click on “Upload keystore file” and select a JSON file from your computer.
Step 2: Type in the password associated with that keystore file and click “Unlock wallet”.
Step 1: Enter your 12-word or 24-word mnemonic, separated by single spaces only (no commas or other separators).
Step 2: Click “Unlock wallet”.
Step 3: You can now create a password and download the keystore file as in Creating a wallet.
Step 1: Enter your private key. Fantom’s private keys start with 0x
Step 2: Click “Unlock wallet”.
Step 3: You can now create a password and download the keystore file as in Creating a wallet.
To receive FTM, share your public key with the sender. You can click on the copy icon to copy it to the clipboard, or click on the QR code icon to display your QR code.
All transactions sent and received, will be displayed under “Recent Activity”:
You can click on the transaction to show more details:
Step 1: Click on “Send” in the menu bar.
Step 2: Enter the amount and the address you are sending to You can also add a memo if you wish. This is an optional text about the transaction that only appears in your app, and is not committed to the ledger.
Step 3: To sign the transaction, enter the password used to encrypt the keystore file.
Step 4: As soon as the transaction is confirmed by the network, you will see the following screen with the txid:
Step 1: Click on “Stake” in the menu bar.
Step 2: Click “Stake”.
Step 3: Enter the amount of FTM you want to stake. A minimum of 1 FTM is required to stake. Click “Select a validator”.
Step 4: Select a validator from the list of active validators to stake to. You can click on a validator to show more information and select them:
Make sure to do your due diligence regarding the validators. A validator cannot access your funds; however, if a validator acts maliciously, your staked tokens could be reduced.
Validators will take a commission from delegators’ rewards, currently set at 15%, in exchange for their services.
Step 5: You can now review the amount to stake and choice of validator, and change both the amount and the validator if you wish.
When ready to stake, click “Stake”.
Step 6: Enter your password to sign the transaction to stake.
Step 1: You can unstake your tokens by accessing the Stake menu and clicking “Unstake”.
Step 2: In the confirmation screen, confirm that it will take 7 days for the tokens to be withdrawn by clicking “Ok, unstake”.
Step 3: Enter your password and click “Unstake” to confirm.
You will be able to withdraw your tokens after 7 days.
Please note that if you unstake your tokens during the lockup period, you will lose your rewards and the rewards will be burned.