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Fantom engages in comprehensive research & development to deliver state-of-the-art solutions. To do so, we are closely working together with our partners as well as Yonsei University and the University of Sydney.
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On Probabilistic Byzantine Fault Tolerance
A study of BFT systems in which Byzantine processes may misbehave randomly.
Fast Stochastic Peer Selection in Proof-of-Stake Protocols
This paper presents an approach that relates PoS peer selection to Roulette-wheel selection.
DeFi Modules
A proposal to enhance an IBC sidechain or direct module integration; the features offered by the chain can yield high value to the DeFi space.
The Economics of Smart Contracts
This work shows that the actual costs of executing smart contracts are disproportionate to the computational costs and that this gap is continuously widening.
StairDag: Cross-DAG Validation For Scalable BFT Consensus
This paper introduces a new consensus protocol for fast consensus in DAG-based trustless system.
StakeDag: Stake-based Consensus For Scalable Trustless Systems
This paper introduces a new model that aims for PoS consensus in a DAG-based trustless system.
ONLAY: Online Layering for scalable asynchronous BFT system
This paper presents a new framework for scalable asynchronous distributed systems.
Fantom: A scalable framework for asynchronous distributed systems
We describe Fantom, a framework for asynchronous distributed systems.
Validity-Based Optimistic Smart Contracts
This paper explores the next generation of platforms that enables concurrent execution of smart contracts.
OV: Validity-based Optimistic Smart Contracts
We propose a new programming language that allows concurrent executions of smart contract functions, increasing throughput and efficiency while reducing security concerns.
V1.6 August 28, 2018